
Current works from the Building Imagination Initiative
May 7 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Modesto 2034
Reception May 7, 2015 at 6:30 pm
May 7 to June 30, 2015

Filmmaker Alexa Fraser-Herron
Jul 9 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
"Mini Supreme," Produced by Alexa Fraser-Herron, Directed by Michael Phillis
“Mini Supreme,” Produced by Alexa Fraser-Herron, Directed by Michael Phillis

July 9 to September 3, 2015
Reception Thursday, July 9 at 6:30pm.

Artist Reception: Rebecca Weisman & Lida Winfield
Jul 14 @ 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

July 1 to August 13, 2016

Still 2Skin Ego: an exploration between boundaries, nature and the imaginary

Rebecca Weisman is a Vermont based video installation artist whose work uses body, performance, site specificity, and the natural world to explore hidden or psychological dimensions of reality. Known for both her single-channel videos, and large-scale video installations, she weaves together ideas about the body, gender, psychoanalysis, landscape, and non-human life. Her installations use video, sound, and sculptural objects to tell deconstructed stories that are often fragmented, process-based, and rich with free-associations.

Lida Winfield is a Vermont based dance artist.   She develops and creates dances that are quirky, provocative, and physically honest. Lida challenges herself  and her audiences to participate in dance as an open dialogue. Her dances tell stories, ask questions, explore limits, and celebrate beauty in what is awkward, raw, and vulnerable. She is inspired by the human capacity to cope, to imagine and to transform. Her work is informed by wilderness, socioeconomic divides, disabilities, access, the search for place or home, the magical and the quiet details of everyday life.

Artist Reception: Rob Fatal
Sep 8 @ 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

August 22 to September 24, 2016
Reception Thursday September 8,2016 at 5:30 pm; Artist Talk at 6:30 pm

Rob FatalAs an activist, educator and artist of Native American, Xican@ and queer roots I have found community and culture to be my greatest artistic inspiration. To create with the collective minds of unique individuals is a practice that brings to me a great spiritual catharsis; a feeling of joy and power tied to the realization of what people working together can accomplish when in harmony: a home, a shared reality, justice, and healing.  As such, my art practice is primarily tied to mediums that necessitate community participation: filmmaking, video art, performance, large-scale installations, and curating. The looks of my work are as diverse the communities who create them, but most contain a sense of macabre, camp, Xican@/Native sensibility: A feature length, all drag sequel to the 1984 Chicano classic La Bamba;  A projection mapping video aimed at the floor displaying a shadow entombed in flowers and candles made as memory to our fallen trans and queer Latin@ brothers and sisters who have been largely ignored by society;  a marathon Dia de los Muertos dance party and VJ installation set to the music of all dead musicians complete with an Eazy E pinata. As a result our creative collaborations are mutual investigations into the unknown depth of our cultures, identities, desires, fears, joys and communities. See his work at: