
Parmveer Masuta
For the second collage I wanted to find an abandoned building. It had to be a building that was in the middle of nowhere though, so it would be easier to work with. If it were a building in the middle of the city where it is busy then I would have problems with removing people and removing other buildings. Stuff like that would have been such a hassle, but I did end up finding this building on Hatch road. I wanted to bring the building back to life in a special kind of way, so I decided to bring some entertainment to it.
At first I was working with roller coasters and trying to get an amusement park kind of thing going, but it was not working out. So I went with a bike show. My main goal was to bring entertainment like I said before, and a bike show with just bikers was not all that entertaining to me. I decided to throw some fire in there and I also wanted to give the collage some fans in the front of the image. It almost looks like the fans are in a theater being entertained by what they are viewing on the big screen. In the panorama the viewer can see that the fans shown in the image are having fun at place where, in reality, there is nothing right now. I can definitely see this spot becoming a place for entertainment, especially because there is more empty space around it. All that empty space can be used up to bring out entertainment!

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