Modesto: The Next 100 Years

Modesto: the Next 100 Years

modesto next 100 years bic 2013Modesto: the Next 100 Years explores several development projects in the city including the new passenger rail station and the popular downtown parklets. Through maps, drawings, and photos, many provided by the city planning department, visitors will get an understanding of the complexity of these projects and how they will change the urban fabric of Modesto. The exhibit is part of the museum’s program Building a Better Modesto.
Part of the exhibit includes information about the city’s landmark preservation program. This part of the exhibit is in response to the recent public interest in preservation sparked by the planned demolition of the Cote d’Oro Restaurant building on Yosemite. “Our goal is get people thinking about the kind of city they want to live in.” said museum director Bob Barzan. “Cities that thrive are those that aren’t afraid to address issues of livability and find a balance between moving into the future and valuing their heritage.”