An Obsolete Dialog by Gina Clark

An Obsolete Dialogue by Gina Clark

Premiered on Thursday, February 23, 2013.

Created in Modesto by the Building Imagination Center’s resident filmmaker Gina Clark.


“An 84 year old Painter will discuss the (mis)adventures of her youth; the boys in the mental institutions, dancing tables for nickels from the mob, and her own secrets toward adventure in her life – along side all of it’s absurdities.”

Gina Clark is a Visual Anthropologist working within the fields of Photography, Video, Installation & Sound, and Experiments in Linguistics.  ‘Re-inventing the ritual’ might better describe Gina’s unconventional creative process. Her recent collaborations have been alongside  Composer Robert Alan [Vitamin Wig C],  and Video artists Lindsay Laven & Aimee Goguen. She is the Founder and Creative Director of OdpoledneTV [a subsiduary of Beaubourg268, Oakland, Ca], and Co-Executive Curator for Chris Carroll’s  Periwinkle Cinema  [Los Angeles Branch].  She currently volunteers as a Photographer for Organizations such as The Children of the Night Shelter for Prostitute Children. Her latest project, Ataraxic Play ; a Documentary on Shamans and Energy Healers in the San Fernando Valley, CA; has started pre-production. Excerpts from her unpublished novel What is Natural will be on display during The Lost History of Concord,  a Publication at the Verge Gallery, University of Sydney, Australia [Curated by Concord, in February of 2013].